The Lies Women Tell

So I created a post last week on my instagram page about the things women have lied about to save face. Now, I hate that I have to expose my girls like this, but there is an underlying issue behind these lies. Every part of our body makes us who we are, but the vagina really sets the stage for our confidence. If "she" is not right, life is not right! So as women, we sometimes, tell these small lies to hide what's really going on because we are too embarrassed to admit the truth. It is telling these "small lies" that keep many of us women from living our best vaginal life!
Now this does not mean we have to write our vaginal issues on our foreheads and proclaim it to the public. However, we should be able to normalize the conversation and lose the feeling of embarrassment about it.
When I started telling the truth about my vaginal health, I was able get real long term solutions that changed my life (shameless plug about Yoni pHotion, LLC). I strongly believe if more women spoke about their truth, they will find truthful solutions!